About YMCA Victoria’s Youth Press Gallery

YMCA Victoria’s Youth Press Gallery is a program for young people aged between 16-25 currently studying, or who have an interest in, political journalism, photography, or filming to gain valuable experience serving as the Press Gallery for the YMCA Victoria Youth Parliament program. In this series of blogs we are proud to introduce you to the members of the 2020 Youth Press Gallery, and share their achievements and published works during their time with the program.

Introducing Prealene Khera

My name means “Too Lazy” in Romania, but I’m anything but (at least on most days.) I’ve worked with magazines and news outlets back home in India, but the Youth Press Gallery has given me the opportunity to put my foot in the proverbial ‘Australian Media’ door. I am also finishing my Masters in Journalism soon and I hope that my experience in the YPG combined with my degree helps me actualise my dream of telling stories that matter.

Find me on: 

Tell us about your work

The bills that I am covering have so much merit, they talk about two substantially powerful issues. The team from the Korin Gamadji Institute wants to make First Nations education compulsory in all Victorian schools, to aid in better understanding of Indegnious culture. The second bill I’m covering comes from Bendigo, and it revolves around equitable access to educational resources between rural, regional and metropolitan Melbourne.